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Can You Think On Your Feet?


Have you ever been asked in a classroom “Who was the 2nd Man on moon?” Was this question related to the class content? Are you the one among those who hide their face and hope that the teacher doesn’t point at you? Well, you are not alone. Such are Impromptu questions, used by the instructors/teachers, to create engagement and foster a more active learning environment. puts light on not only the one who knows these answers but all the students attending the class. According to research, when teachers ask students open-ended questions that require critical thinking, it encourages students to participate and engage in the discussion. digitises this moment and makes the process interesting as well as informative. can also help teachers assess student comprehension and provide feedback in real-time. This can help teachers adjust their teaching strategies to better meet the needs of their students. Let’s explore how teachers asking impromptu questions in class can create a difference.

  1. Encourages Active Participation breaks the monotony of traditional teaching methods and makes the learning process more interesting and interactive using live Q&A sessions. Students are more likely to engage in class when they are challenged with unexpected questions, which has proven to  improve their comprehension and retention of the material.

  1. Develops Critical Thinking Skills

The successful communication is always thought provoking. As an instructor, it becomes essential to understand the grasping power of students through critical-thinking questions. 

  1. Provides Real-Time Feedback provides teachers with real-time feedback on the students' understanding of the content. It enables teachers to identify areas where students are struggling and provide additional support. Additionally, impromptu questions can help teachers to assess the effectiveness of their teaching methods and adjust their approach accordingly.These all can be analysed, understood and recorded using Vidya’s Classroom Analytics.

Furthermore, instructors can ask a variety of questions or conduct polls via  And check analytics and insights on such questions.  It gives a preview of each student's learning curve in the class and minimises the dependency on lagging check points such as assessments, exams etc.

Another advantage of using Vidya is that it allows for a more inclusive and democratic approach to gathering feedback. Traditional feedback methods, such as post-session surveys, may only capture the opinions of a small subset of the audience. However,Vidya allows all attendees to participate and contribute to the feedback process.

Unleash the power of real-time engagement and analytics in your classrooms. Enable your impromptu questions to be more conclusive, as well as more inclusive.


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